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Asian Perceptions of the U.S. in the Region - Open lecture by Professor Gary Lit

On the 16th of October 2017 at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University (INPiSM UJ) there was held Professor’s Gary Lit open lecture. The title of the lecture was the Asian Perceptions of the U.S. in the Region. Apart from the INPiSM UJ, the host was also the Asian affairs committee of International Relations Students’ Association at the Jagiellonian University (KSSM UJ), together with its academic tutor Marcin Grabowski Ph.D.

Gary Lit was a professor at the prestigious Nanyang Technology University in Singapore. He is a Visiting Professor to a number of universities in both Asia and Europe, including countries like Ukraine, Hungary, Germany and Russia. At present, Professor Lit is also is a director with GL Training and Consultancy with headquarters based in Singapore.

The lecture was very well attended. Professor Lit engaged students to actively participate in the lecture by encouraging them to openly express their opinions in a lively debate. The main problem that was thoroughly explored during the meeting was the impact and the very issue of the so-called soft power of the United States in the region. Thanks to Professor’s personal experience, students of INPiSM UJ broadened their knowledge about the region, which will allow them to better understand ongoing processes and overall the world.

Data publikacji: 22.10.2017
Osoba publikująca: Dariusz Stolicki