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VII National Convention of the Polish International Studies Association (PTSM)

This year’s PTSM Convention was held at Jagiellonian University on 9-10 November 2017. The conference theme was “Thinking globally, acting regionally. Area studies from the perspective of International Relations”.
Read More o VII National Convention of the Polish International Studies Association (PTSM)

Asian Perceptions of the U.S. in the Region - Open lecture by Professor Gary Lit

On the 16th of October 2017 at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University (INPiSM UJ) there was held Professor’s Gary Lit open lecture on Asian Perceptions of the U.S. in the Region.
Read More o Asian Perceptions of the U.S. in the Region - Open lecture by Professor Gary Lit

New Directions in American Foreign Policy after the 2016 Presidential Election - nagranie wykładu prof. Petera J. Katzensteina z Cornell University

Na stronie Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych UJ w serwisie YouTube udostępnione zostało nagranie wykładu prof. Petera J. Katzensteina z prestiżowego Cornell University (USA).
Read More o New Directions in American Foreign Policy after the 2016 Presidential Election - nagranie wykładu prof. Petera J. Katzensteina z Cornell University

Research seminar: Great Power Politics and Development in South Asia and East Asia

On 12-13 of May the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University was the main host of the research seminar and students’ conference, organized in cooperation with the South Asian Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford, and the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw. The seminar was a part of the comprehensive project in which the Institute has been participating since 2016.
Read More o Research seminar: Great Power Politics and Development in South Asia and East Asia

Professor Janusz Węc participated in the conference of the Team Europe network in Berlin

Prof. Dr hab. Janusz Węc participated on 26-27 June 2017 in the international conference of the Team Europe network concerning the EC White Paper on the future of Europe.
Read More o Professor Janusz Węc participated in the conference of the Team Europe network in Berlin