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VII National Convention of the Polish International Studies Association (PTSM)

This year’s PTSM Convention was held at Jagiellonian University on 9-10 November 2017. The conference theme was “Thinking globally, acting regionally. Area studies from the perspective of International Relations”. 

Nearly 200 scholars participated in the event, representing both Polish and foreign research institutions. During 43 panel sessions and roundtable discussions, the researchers presented the results of conducted studies concerning regionalism in contemporary international relations.

The conference was inaugurated by prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mania, chairman of the Organizing Committee for the VII PTSM Convention. Afterwards, the speeches were made by respectively Deputy President of Kraków dr hab. Andrzej Kulig, prof. UJ, Dean of Faculty of International and Political Studies of Jagiellonian University, prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Mach, and President of PTSM prof. dr hab. Edward Haliżak. 

Inaugural lecture, titled “Rethinking regionalism” was given by prof. Fredrik Söderbaum from University of Gothenburg in Sweden. 

This year’s convention was organized by PTSM, Faculty of International and Political Studies, and Institute of Political Science and International Relations of Jagiellonian University. The Rector of Jagiellonian University prof dr hab. med. Wojciech Nowak, and President of Kraków prof. dr hab. Jacek Majchrowski have assumed the honorary patronage over the event.

Tłum. Agnieszka Batko

Data publikacji: 19.12.2017
Osoba publikująca: Michał Dulak