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Application of International Relations Theory in Asia and Africa – book edited by M. Grabowski and T. Pugacewicz was published by Peter Lang Verlag

We are pleased to inform you that the book Application of International Relations Theories in Asia and Africa, co-edited and co-authored by Marcin Grabowski and Tomasz Pugacewicz was just published by the Swiss based publisher, Peter Lang Verlag
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Completion of the research project "Contemporary Ideas of the Extreme Right in Germany"

The public defense of doctoral dissertation "Contemporary Ideas of the Extreme Right in Germany", prepared by dr Agata Kałabunowska, concluded the realisation of the project of the same name, funded by the National Science Centre in Poland as part of the 6th edition of the Etiuda competition (project number 2018/28/T/HS5/00335).
Read More o Completion of the research project "Contemporary Ideas of the Extreme Right in Germany"

PISA Award goes to Dr Agata Mazurkiewicz

e are extremely pleased to announce that Dr Agata Mazurkiewicz, an Assistant Professor at the Department of National Security, received the award of the Polish International Studies Association (PTSM) for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of international relations defended in 2018.
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Compulsory training for first year students on the rights and obligations of the student

In connection with the student government's initiative, compulsory training for first-year students of undergraduate programmes on the rights and obligations of students will take place in the near future. Each first-year student of studies at the Faculty should register through the USOS system for one of three dates.
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Dean's hours on November 13.

Because of the Third Day of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, the Dean of our Faculty appointed a November 13 non-teaching day.
Read More o Dean's hours on November 13.