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Compulsory training for first year students on the rights and obligations of the student

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Students,

In connection with the student government's initiative, and under the patronage of Mr. Rector Armen Edigarian, compulsory training for first-year students of the 1st degree on the rights and obligations of students will take place in the near future. Each first-year student of the Jagiellonian University Faculty of International and Political Studies should register through the USOS system for one of the three training dates in accordance with the procedure described in the attachment to this invitation.

You have the option of three different days of the week, which is related to the different schedule of classes in different fields of study. Every student who registers and takes part in the training will receive formal exemption from participation in didactic activities taking place during the training.

I encourage all first-year students to participate in trainings that will broaden your practical knowledge on how to study, where is the limit of the rights and obligations of a student and a researcher, as well as how to use the benefits of innovative tools of the teaching process.

Yours faithfully,

dr hab. Paweł Laidler, prof. UJ
Vice-dean for Educational Affairs
Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University


Training on students rights and obligations - additional information [in Polish]

Graphical registration instructions - USOS [in Polish]


Published Date: 13.11.2019
Published by: Jakub Żurawski