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End-of-academic-year audit

According to the Study Regulations, the student should close the academic year (pass all exams, gain grades and submit a relevant documents to the secretary;'s office) by September 30 of a given academic year.

Closing accounts in libraries, filling in and delivering to the appropriate sceretary's office the following list of grades appropriate for the field of study, year and specialization (the student completes all the grades he/she has received and enters the course(s) that he/she repeated or carried out in advance); if the requirements for passing the year were not met student additionally attaches an appropriate application (from here:, in both cases (full-time and part-time studies) addressed to the Deputy Head for Educational Affairs).

Request to be billed for repeating courses


International relations

I grade

1 rok2 rok3 rok

II grade

1 rok studia strategiczne 18/19

1 rok studia nad rozwojem 18/19

2 rok studia strategiczne 19/20

2 rok studia nad rozwojem 19/20


Political science

I grade

I rok 19/20,

II rok 19/20 (ogólna);   II rok dop 19/20;   II rok dzp;

III rok (ogólna);   III rok dop;   III rok dzp

II grade

zest_1_IZP_SUM;   1_DP_SUM;

zest_2_DP_SUM;   zest_2_IZP_SUM;


National security

I grade





II grade


