Magdalena Lisińska, PhD

PhD in political science, Assistant Lecturer at the Chair in the Diplomatic History and International Politics of the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Magdalena graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She completed a bachelor's and master's degree in international relations, a master’s degree in Latin American studies, and a doctoral program in the field of political science. 

In 2018 she defended with honors her PhD thesis entitled “Ideologizacja polityki zagranicznej Argentyny w ramach Procesu Reorganizacji Narodowej 1976-1983” [Ideologization of Argenitne Foreign Policy under the National Reorganization Process 1976-1983]. 

Since 2016 she conducts a research project on ideologization of Argentine foreign policy during the military dictatorship 1976-1983, supported by the Polish National Science Centre. 

Twice she was a visiting researcher at the Center of Studies on Citizenship, State and Political Affairs (Centro de Estudios en Ciudadanía, Estado y Asuntos Políticos, CEAP) of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. She also conducted her research at the Helsinki University, the University of London (School of Advanced Studies), and the Free University of Berlin. Benefiting from the Erasmus Program, she spent a semester at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Research interests:

  • Latin American politics and history with the main focus on Argentina
  • International relations of the Western Hemisphere
  • United States policy towards Latin America
  • Security challenges in Latin America, mainly organized crime and drug cartels.

Selected publications:

  1. Amerykańska polityka praw człowieka wobec Argentyny w czasie „brudnej wojny” 1976-1983 [“The U. S. human rights policy towards Argentina during the “Dirty War” 1976-1983”] “Politeja” [in review]
  2. Las “fronteras ideológicas” y la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983): el caso de las operaciones encubiertas en América Central, [“The concept of “ideological frontiers” and the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983): the case of covert operations in Central America” “Anuario Latinoamericano” 2018, vol. 6/2018. 
  3. Sen o potędze. Polityka zagraniczna Argentyny w okresie prezydentury Cristiny Fernández de Kirchner [“A dream of Power. Argentine foreign Policy during the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”]. In P. Matera, M. Pietrasiak, R. Bania, M. Stelmach (Ed.), Badanie polityki zagranicznej państwa: Stany Zjednoczone, Azja Wschodnia, Bliski Wschód & Ameryka Łacińska, Warszawa 2017, s. 319- 339.
  4. Argentyńska transformacja demokratyczna w świetle teorii Guillerma O’Donnella [“Argentine democratic transformation in the light of Guillermo O’Donnell’s theory”]. In K. Complak, P. Gutierrez, J. Rosiak (Ed.), Współczesne polityczno-prawne systemy państw Europy, Azji i Ameryki Łacińskiej, Wrocław 2017.
  5. Stan bezpieczeństwa w Ameryce Łacińskiej w 2016 roku, [“The state of Latin American security in 2016”] „Przegląd Strategiczny” 2017, no. 10/2017, ISSN 2084-6991.
  6. Zjawisko dehumanizacji w trakcie argentyńskiej dyktatury wojskowej 1976-1983. Przykład działania Szkoły Mechaników Marynarki Wojennej ESMA w Buenos Aires [“The phenomenon of dehumanization during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina. The case of the Naval School of Mechanical Engineering ‘ESMA’ in Buenos Aires”], “Ameryka Łacińska” 2017, no. 3(97), ISSN: 1506-8900; e-ISSN: 2081-1152.
  7. Is the Archipelago a Political Tool? The role of the Falkland Islands Sovereignty Dispute in the Argentine Policy During the Kirchner’s Era, “Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies” 2016, vol. 17, p. 119-134, ISSN: 1896-9461.
  8. Magdalena Lisińska, Beata Beliavska (Ed.), Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych [“Latin America in International Relations”] Kraków 2015, ISBN: 978-83-932398-7-0.
  9. Czy Malwiny są argentyńskie? Spór o archipelag Falklandów-Malwinów z perspektywy latynoamerykańskiej, [“Are the Malvinas Argentine? The Falklands sovereignity dispute from a Latin American perspective”]. In M. Lisińska, B. Beliavska (Ed.), Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych, Kraków 2015, ISBN: 978-83-932398-7-0. 
  10. Stosunki argentyńsko-brytyjskie w kontekście sporu falklandzkiego po roku 1982 [“The Argentine-British Relations in the Context of the Falklands Dispute After 1982”], “Ameryka Łacińska” 2015, nr 3-4 (89-90), ISSN: 1506-8900; e-ISSN: 2081-1152.
  11. Trzecia droga. Peronistowski justycjalizm a argentyńska gospodarka w drugiej połowie XX w. [“The third position. Peronist justicialism and Argentine economyin the secondo half of the 20th century”]. In J. Malczewski, M. Kaliński, P. Eckhardt (Ed.), Idea jako czwarty czynnik produkcji, Kraków 2015, ISBN: 978-83-63896-25-6.
  12. Argentyńsko-amerykańska współpraca militarna w okresie dyktatury wojskowej w Argentynie w latach 1976-1983 [“The Argentine-American military cooperation during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina”], "Poliarchia", no. 2(3) 2014, ISSN: 2300-4584. 
  13. Stosunki Polski z państwami Ameryki Łacińskiej w latach 1989-1999 [“The Polish-Latin American Relations in the years 1989-1999”], [w:] P. Bajor, T. Młynarski (red.), Polityka zagraniczna Polski. Wybrane zagadnienia i problemy, Kraków 2012, ISBN: 978-83-932398-4-9.

Selected conference papers:

  1. “7th Convention of the Polish International Studies Association”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 9-10.11.2017. Title of the paper (in Polish): Regional integration and Argentinian Foreign Policy under Mauricio Macri.

  2. “Beyond Europe: politics and change in global and regional affairs”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 24-25.10.2017. Title of the paper: The state of Latin American security in 2016.

  3. “II Jagiellonian Security Conference”, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 21-22.09.2017. Title of the paper (In Polish): Social media and the Mexican drug war.

  4. “Los países latinoamericanos en el aspecto jurídico, social y filosófico”, University od Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 15-16.05.2017. Title of the paper: Stagnation or Progress? Gender Policy During the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina (2007-2015).

  5. “Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies”, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 6-7.04.2017. Title of the paper: Ideological construction of the enemy. The case of the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina.

  6. “Icons and symbols of Canada”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 16-18.11.2016. Title of the paper: Why the world has fallen in love with Canada’s PM? The political leadership of Justin Trudeau.

  7. “6th Convention of the Polish International Studies Association”, University of Łódź, Poland, 9-10.11.2016). Title of the paper (in polish): Argentine foreign Policy during the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

  8. “Jagiellonian Security Conference”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 21-22.09.2016. Title of the paper (in Polish): Cross-border security threats in the Southern Cone (Cono Sur).

  9. “Co-joint Convention of the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and the International Studies Association (ISA). “The Politics of International Relations”, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23-25.06.2016. Title of the paper: Is the foreign policy in Latin America ideologically biased? The case of Argentina.

  10. “8th American Days – Hollywood – creating the U.S.”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 27-29.04.2016. Title of the paper: Problematic Reality. Hispanics and Latinos in American cinema.

  11. “Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies”, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 7-8.04.2016. Title of the paper: The Falklands/Malvinas sovereignity dispute: Is British-Argentine reconciliation a possible scenario?

  12. “Canada and the world”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 18-20.11.2015. Title of the paper: Canada-Cuba relations. Cordial bond or pragmatic policy?

  13. “3rd Polish Congress of Political Science”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 22-24.09.2015.Title of the paper (in Polish): The Archipelago as a political tool. The Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute in Argentine domestic policy.

  14. “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Security in the Changing World”, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 18-20.06.2015. Title of the paper: The South Atlantic in the Argentine foreign and security policies in the 21th century.

  15. “Latin American countries in legal, social and philosophical context”, Faculty of Law of the University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 20.04.2015. Title of the paper (in Polish): Argentine democratic transformation in the light of Guillermo O'Donnell’s theory.

  16. “The politics of conflict and cooperation”, Birkbeck University, London, United Kingdom (14-18.04.2015). Title of the paper: The Role of the United Nations in the Anglo-Argentine Falklands/Malvinas dispute.