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Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

The European Union in a Multipolar World - Trilateral Summer School for Polish, French and German students

Termin: 20.08.2014 - 29.08.2014
Miejsce: Zamek Genshagen pod Berlinem
Organizator: Stiftung Genshagen, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg
Kontakt: summerschool@stiftung-genshagen.de

Trilateral Summer School for Polish, French and German students

The Genshagen Foundation is welcoming applications for The Third Trilateral Genshagen Summer School. The Summer School is a joint project of Stiftung Genshagen, the European University Viadrina, the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg and the Jagiellonian University. Students from Germany, France and Poland respectively will gather at castle Genshagen close to Berlin for ten days in order to discuss, from their various perspectives, a topic of European relevance. The Genshagen Summer School's third edition will be devoted to The European Union in a Multipolar World: German, French and Polish perspectives on EU external action.

The deadline for applications is 22 June 2014 and successful candidates will be notified by 4 July. The Summer School is taking place during 10 days in August at Castle Genshagen, located close to Berlin. Total tuition fee is 100€.

The applications can be sent to this email address: summerschool@stiftung-genshagen.de.

For more information, see the attached PDF file.

Data opublikowania: 14.06.2014
Osoba publikująca: Dariusz Stolicki