Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

ISFiT21 - Dialogue Seminar for Students

The ISFiT festival, the biggest international student festival in the world, where students from around the world come together in the city of Trondheim for 10 days. Here, they engage in debates and workshops, and share their ideas and thoughts on the present and future developments in their communities and in the world.

Before each festival, a 10-day Dialogue Seminar is held. The next seminar, taking place in the start of February, is only open for students from Poland and Hungary. We want to invite students to share their thoughts and beliefs in an open manner, without being judged, but rather understood.

To be able to achieve this, we believe that it is important that the participants are from different backgrounds and with different ideas on what the future of Poland, Hungary and Europe should look like.

The application closes soon, at the 11th of October. The students can apply here: https://participant.isfit.org/


Data opublikowania: 09.10.2020
Osoba publikująca: Jakub Żurawski