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Europaeum Summer School 2018 - nabór zgłoszeń

Informujemy o naborze zgłoszeń na szkołę letnią organizowaną przez sieć wiodących uniwersytetów europejskich Europaeum, której członkiem jest Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Szkoła letnia dedykowana jest dla studentów studiów magisterskich i dotyczyć będzie zmian,  jakim podlega rynek pracy oraz czynnikom, które kształtować go będą w przyszłości. 

Europaeum Summer School
University of Helsinki, 27 August – 1 September, 2018
Reshaping the meaning of work in the future society
The time of lifelong careers in professions and fields of work requiring particular training and skills is over. Not only have professions and labour markets changed, but the very nature of work is changing, placing public finances and European welfare states under pressure. Ideas such as universal basic income are being explored and experimented. Technological change creates opportunities as well as risks in the form of platform jobs and the sharing economy.

The Europaeum Summer School 2018, hosted by the University of Helsinki, explores the changing nature of work and its effects to the life of an individual in the society. The students of the Summer School will explore the theme through four different approaches: technological opportunities and risks, equalities and inequalities formed in the future, the pressure on the welfare state and the changing education systems. What kind of ethical questions do the technological opportunities present? Who will benefit and who will lose from the fragmented nature of work? How will the welfare state be maintained with a narrowing tax base? Will the education system adapt to these changes?

Europaeum Summer School will provide a comprehensive course on the future of work and the changes that individuals in societies will face. The speakers and teachers include leading experts in the field. Summer School is targeted to advanced graduate students. The one-week Summer School is divided in four parts in four days: each day will focus on a particular topic. Speakers are invited to conduct regular classes, but workshops and a panel debate are also expected.
Prior to the Summer School, each student will choose their own approach to tackle the question of the future of work. Preparatory readings will be assigned according to chosen topics. By the end of the week each student will prepare a presentation on their chosen topic. The Europaeum Summer School is aimed at advanced graduate students from the universities within the Europaeum network.

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered.

Application deadline 25th May, how to apply (and full programme)

All enquiries to: euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk or Johanna Metsänheimo  europaeumsummerschool@helsinki.fi

Data opublikowania: 16.05.2018
Osoba publikująca: Michał Dulak