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Monografia "The Problem of Political Theology" pod współredakcją dr. Arkadiusza Górnisiewicza

The Problem of Political Theology. Edited by Paweł Armada, Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz, Krzysztof C. Matuszek, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2012, s. 228.

Anglojęzyczna monografia. Obejmuje różne, nieraz kontrowersyjne ujęcia przedmiotu teologii politycznej, ukazując z jednej strony zasadniczą problematyczność myślenia teologiczno-politycznego, z drugiej zaś – zawarty w nim ogromny potencjał problematyzowania wątków właściwych dla teorii bądź filozofii polityki.

Rozdziały napisane zostały przez badaczy z Polski, Stanów Zjednoczonych, Niemiec i Holandii.

Spis treści

Introduction: Political Theology, the Question of Modernity, and the Discourse on Politics

David Janssens (Tilburg University) – Violent Grace: The Theologico-Political Problem in Ancient Poetry and Philosophy

Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz (Jagiellonian University) – The Problem of the Closure of any Political Theology: Remarks on the Controversy between Erik Peterson and Carl Schmitt

Jacek Bartyzel (Nicolaus Copernicus University) – The Social Kingdom of Christ in the Catholic Theology of Politics (On Pope Pius XI's Encyclical "Quas primas")

Leora Batnitzky (Princeton University) – Judaism, Christianity, and the Theologico-Political Problem of Modernity

Paweł Armada (Jesuit University Ignatianum) – Prophetology as a Political Science?

Bogdan Szlachta (Jagiellonian University) – The  Christian Concept of Voluntarism as a Source of Modern Political Thinking

Till Kinzel (Braunschweig University of Technology) – Between "libertas philosophandi" and "conservatio tranquillitatis": Political Theology, Hermeneutics, and Bible Criticism in Early Modern Cultures of the Enlightenment

Victoria Kahn (University of California, Berkeley) – Post-War Machiavelli: Strauss versus Kojève

Paweł Kaźmierczak (Jesuit University Ignatianum) – Dietrich von Hildebrand and Political Theology: Catholic Austria versus National Socialism

Krzysztof C. Matuszek (Jesuit University Ignatianum) – The Problem with Recognizing the Enemy: Critical Review of Carl Schmitt's Political Theology

John P. McCormick (University of Chicago) – Educable or Sinful Evil? Revisiting the Moral Status of the Political in the Schmitt-Strauss Exchange

Michał Łuczewski (Warsaw University) – The Sleep of Monsters Produces Reason


"This book succeeds not only in enlightening and ordering the recent debate on political theology but also in providing an original contribution to it. The reader receives a multidimensional depiction of the major issues dealt with in political theology".

z recenzji prof. Zbigniewa Stawrowskiego (UKSW)

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Data opublikowania: 06.02.2013
Osoba publikująca: Dariusz Stolicki