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Department of Theory and Political Methodology

Head of the Department: prof. of UJ, Piotr Borowiec, PhD

Position: professor

Research interests:

His research interests focus first of all on two fundamental areas. The first one is the study of the transformations in contemporary Polish politics, with emphasis on the relationship between these changes and the use of time in politics and its reception by the society. The problems regarding the ways and the extent to which the time affects the society, including the political sphere, are of particular interest as well. His interest in contemporary Poland also involves the studies on the structures of Polish political parties, political programmes and political campaigns. The second area comprises selected aspects of the theory of politics, such as: the analysis of fundamental methodological bases of political science and the problem of limitations and cognitive value of political science. This area also includes the issues connected with political bodies, political values and norms, the analysis of political relations and interests, as well as theories of political acts and political decisions. Both areas of interest fall within the scope of broadly-understood political sociology and political science.


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Paweł Ścigaj, PhD

IPSIR Deputy head for educational affairs

Position: assistant professor

Research interests:

Theory of politics, political psychology, methodology of social science research.

The author of the monograph Tożsamość narodowa. Zarys problematyki (2012), a co-author of the monograph (1993), Kim jesteś, politologu? Historia i stan dyscypliny w Polsce, Vol. I (2011). and Kim jesteś, politologu? Historia i stan dyscypliny w Polsce, Vol. II (2012). The co-editor of the papers Szkice o pograniczach nauki (2007), Podejścia badawcze i metodologie w naukach o polityce (2013), Odmiany współczesnej nauki o polityce, tom 1-2 (2014), Political Science in Europe at the Beginning of 21st Century (2015). The author of more than 30 articles on political psychology, theory of politics, political sociology and the methodology of social sciences. Member of the editorial team of "Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne".


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Małgorzata Kułakowska, PhD

Position: assistant professor

Research interests:

Her research interests focus on two areas. First of all, the analysis of contemporary transformations of British society, with particular emphasis on the relations between ethnocultural communities in the context of such political changes as devolution or Brexit. Secondly, broadly understood political anthropology, focusing on the analysis of the concept of culture and its significance in power relations. Consequently, she is also interested in related research methods, mostly of qualitative and interpretive character. Both areas of interest fall within the scope of political sociology.

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Magdalena Kozub-Karkut, PhD

Position: assistant lecturer with a doctor's degree

Research interests:

theories of international relations, theories of politics, global governance, theories of foreign policy, discourses of the Polish public sphere

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Jacek Sokołowski, Ph. D.

Kierownik Centrum Badań Ilościowych nad Polityką UJ

Stanowisko: adiunkt

Zainteresowania badawcze:

Ur. 1975 r., ukończył w 2000 r. studia prawnicze na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim; w 2005 r. obronił doktorat na Uniwersytecie w Heidelbergu i od tego czasu łączy praktykę prawniczą z pracą akademicką. Zainteresowania: ekonomiczna analiza prawa w kontekście decyzji kolektywnych w prawie prywatnym i publicznym, stanowienie prawa w ujęciu empirycznym, zachowania ugrupowań parlamentarnych, sądownictwo jako element systemu politycznego. Autor m. in.: Wybrane aspekty funkcjonowanie Sejmu w latach 1997-2007 oraz współtwórca systemu bazodanowego ISQAL do analizy ilościowej głosowań parlamentarnych.

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