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Lecture by General John L. Gronski

The Department of National Security of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Territorial Defense Forces Command is proud to invite to the lecture by Major General (ret.) John L. Gronski on „The command of volunteer forces and their collaboration with operational forces”.
Read More o Lecture by General John L. Gronski

The 3rd Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary Security Conference

We invite you to participate in the international online conference organized on 28-29 September 2021 by the Chair in National Security of the Jagiellonian University Institute of Political Science and International Relations, in cooperation with the Global Trends Lab of the Priority Research Area of the Society of the Future. “The 3rd Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary Security Conference, Innovative Security Governance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”.
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Webinar - Dialogues between Policymakers and Academia on Global Governance

Una Europa Global Governance Group cordially invites to the webinar "Dialogues between Policymakers and Academia on Global Governance" with top officials from the European Commission, the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization.
Read More o Webinar - Dialogues between Policymakers and Academia on Global Governance

System Leadership: Its Role in a Collaborative Environment - Guest Lecture in the “Leadership” series by Dr Steven Horsley

The Department of National Security of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Jagiellonian University is proud to invite to the lecture by Dr. Steven Horsley from the School of Business and Leadership at the University of Charleston, West Viriginia, USA.
Read More o System Leadership: Its Role in a Collaborative Environment - Guest Lecture in the “Leadership” series by Dr Steven Horsley

On-line course - Negotiation Strategies & Techniques Made Easy!

The Center For American Studies would like to invite you to participate in an intense weekend course with a U.S. negotiation expert, Stephen Szrom (J.D., Harvard University) titled Negotiation Strategies & Techniques Made Easy!
Read More o On-line course - Negotiation Strategies & Techniques Made Easy!