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Visiting Professor Course: Dr. István Tarrósy "Interdisciplinary Development Studies and the Changing Global Context – Theory, Methodology and the Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa"

event-date: 13.05.2015 - 25.05.2015
Place: Sala Posiedzeń INPiSM UJ (ul. Jabłonowskich 5, II p.)
organizer: "Society-Environment-Technology" Project, Jagiellonian University
Contact: joanna.mormul@uj.edu.pl

Head of the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University, dr hab. Robert Kłosowicz, prof. UJ would like to invite students and PhD candidates to a visiting professor course which will be delivered by Dr. István Tarrósy (University of Pécs).

Dr. Tarrósy will teach a 16-hour course and workshop: Interdisciplinary Development Studies and the Changing Global Context – Theory, Methodology and the Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa. Final assessment will be based on the course essay on a topic agreed with the lecturer, as well as student presentations and individual work during the module. The more detailed description of the course you can find here. The course is organized in the framework of the Jagiellonian University project: „Society-Environment-Technology" (www.set.uj.edu.pl) and co-financed by the European Union within the Human Capital Operational Programme. The participants of the course will have to complete a declaration of participation in the project, called PEFS (requirement of the HC OP).


May 13, 14, 18, 19: 17:00-19:15

May 20, 21: 17:00-18:30

May 25: 17:00-18:00 - summing-up the course, handing over certificates

Registration: joanna.mormul@uj.edu.pl

Published Date: 28.04.2015
Published by: Dariusz Stolicki