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Wykład gościnny Dr Elizabeth Monaghan (University of Hull, UK) 'Participation, democracy and the European Citizens' Initiative'

event-date: 15.04.2013
Place: Auditiorium Maximum, Aula Średnia A

Dr Monagham, która jest gościem naszego Instytutu, wygłosi wykład otwarty, na który zapraszamy wszystkich pracowników, studentów i doktorantów zainteresowanych funkcjonowaniem społeczeństwa obywatelskiego na poziomie Unii Europejskiej i formami obywatelskiego zaangażowania na poziomie europejskim.

Termin: 15.04.2013, godz. 11.15.

Dr Elizabeth Mongham is a lecturer in politics at the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Hull where she is a member of the Department's Centre for European Union Studies (CEUS). She has been a Lecturer for the Hansard Society's Scholars Programme since 2008 and is now a visiting fellow and member of the Society's academic committee, advising on curriculum, programme quality and assessment. Her academic interests include: Civil society, NGOs and democratic theory, Democracy and legitimacy in the European Union.

Published Date: 09.04.2013
Published by: Dariusz Stolicki