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Leadership in Time of the Digital Transformation of an Organisation - Guest Lecture by Professor Wojciech Czakon.

event-date: 14.01.2021
Place: on-line
organizer: The Department of National Security of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Jagiellonian University

The Department of National Security of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Jagiellonian University is proud to invite to the lecture by Professor Wojciech Czakon from the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University.

The topic of the lecture is: Leadership in Time of the Digital Transformation of an Organisation. It will be delivered in Polish on the 14th of June (Thursday), starting at 18:30 (CET) on MS Teams. It will be followed by Q & A session. This is the third lecture in the „Leadership” series organised by the Department of National Security.

The link to the event: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDczMjAxYzMtYWE3Zi00OTA4LWJjYTktM2JkMzk5N2M0NWI5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22eb0e26eb-bfbe-47d2-9e90-ebd2426dbceb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224be3b33c-324d-47b2-8d12-ddd5669e0b1d%22%7d


Published Date: 11.01.2021
Published by: Michał Dulak