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Teaching Slam Competition

event-date: 27.10.2020
organizer: Rada na rzecz Doskonalenia Dydaktyki Ars Docendi, Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. jakości kształcenia, Biuro Doskonalenia Kompetencji w Centrum Wsparcia Dydaktyki UJ

The aim of the competition is to improve the quality of education by promoting innovative solutions in academic teaching among academic teachers and doctoral students of the Jagiellonian University. Your are welcome to prepare a presentation (7-8 minutes) about academic teaching, in particular examples of teaching methods / techniques, motivating, assessing student achievements, organizing classes, the use of new technologies etc.).

Anyone willing to share your own good practices is invited to submit applications with presentations by 11 October 11 via the form: arsdocendi.uj.edu.pl/TS_formularz_2020

Rules of the Competition: arsdocendi.uj.edu.pl/drożenie/teaching-slam

The Final of the Teaching Slam will be held on 27 October  (Tuesday) at 1 p.m. online (via MS Teams).

Published Date: 23.09.2020
Published by: Michał Dulak