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DigiWorld Seminar on Quantitative Political Research

event-date: 16.07.2020
Place: Microsoft Teams
organizer: DigiWorld Priority Research Area / Jagiellonian Center for Quantitative Research in Political Science


Dariusz Stolicki, Daria Boratyn, Jarosław Flis, Wojciech Słomczyński, Stanisław Szufa, Karol Życzkowski

Voting–Decisions–Numbers: quantitative political research in DigiWorld PRA

The seminar aims at briefly presenting how advanced mathematical and computational models can be used to model and study political phenomena and processes. In particular, we will process on two areas – computational social choice and applications of advanced computational methods to analyze empirical political data. In the second area, we will present data collections available through the Jagiellonian Center for Quantitative Research in Political Science, ideas for their analysis and open problems in this area. We will conclude with proposals for interdisciplinary cooperation.

The event will be conducted online over the Microsoft Teams platform. You can join:

• using the hyperlink https://tinyurl.com/SeminariumDigiWorld
• by joining the Microsoft Teams team using access code: tcmk6fo.

Cykl seminariów DigiWorld

The DigiWorld seminars and lectures are one of the first activities within the DigiWorld Priority Research Area, aimed at creating bridges between researchers from different disciplines and thereby facilitating the creation of highly interdisciplinary research teams.

Published Date: 14.07.2020
Published by: Dariusz Stolicki