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Policja Państwowa II RP w setną rocznicę powstania 1919-2019 - scientific conference - call for papers

event-date: 25.04.2019 - 26.04.2019
Place: Muzeum Armii Krajowej im. gen. Emila Filedorfa "Nila" w Krakowie
organizer: Muzeum AK i Zakład Strategii Stosunków Międzynarodowych INPiSM UJ

The main goal of the conference is to commemorate the centenary of the establishment of the Polish State Police. The aim of the conference is, therefore, to familiarize the tradition and organization of the Polish State Police and the daily life of policemen. The conference is organized as an event accompanying the exhibition "To serve the nation faithfully. Polish Police 1919-1945 "opened at the Home Army Museum in Krakow on April 25, 2019.
We would like invite you to participate in the conference. Please submit the title of the paper with abstract ( maximum of 2 A4 pages). The organizing committee reserves the right to choose the submitted proposals. Persons qualified to participate in the conference will receive notifications via e-mail.

Published Date: 05.03.2019
Published by: Michał Dulak