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Inauguration of the academic year at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University

On October 2, the inauguration of the academic year took place at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University. The ceremony was opened by the Head of INPiSM prof. of UJ Robert Kłosowicz, PhD, who welcomed the Rector's and Dean's authorities, a group of professors, all employees and numerous students of the Institute.
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The 2nd Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary Security Conference

On 17-19 September 2018 Department of National Security of Jagiellonian University organized international conference “Friends, Foes and Familiar Strangers: Reassessing Actorness in Times of the Global (Dis)Order”. Conference gathered scholars from several countries from Western Europe, North America and Asia.
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Report from the conference "Divergence or the community of interests? Relations between Poland and Germany in the European Union"

On June 13, 2018, a scientific conference entitled "Divergence or the community of interests? Relations between Poland and Germany in the European Union" was held in the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Its aim was to present, analyze and discuss the results of the POLGER research project.
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Report from the EUCRIS Jean Monnet Chair conference on eruozone reform

On June 6, 2018 the scientific conference entitled “Reforma strefy euro -co jest źle i jak to naprawić?" (Eurozone reform - what is wrong and how to fix it? ) was held at the Auditorium Maximum UJ in Krakow. The conference was organized by the Chair of Studies on Integration Processes of the Jagiellonian University under the Jean Monnet Chair EUCRIS project, whose head is prof. Janusz Węc.
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Report fotm the oxford debate Jean Monnet Chair EUCRIS: The immigration crisis has weakened the European Union

On the 21th of May 2018 the Oxford debate took place at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. It was organized by the Chair of Studies on Integration Processes within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair EUCRIS project. The thesis of the debate was the following: The immigration crisis has weakened the European Union.
Read More o Report fotm the oxford debate Jean Monnet Chair EUCRIS: The immigration crisis has weakened the European Union