"Social and Political Forms of Resistance in the Middle East" - new book co-edited by Kamil Kozak, a student of IPSiR

The Jagiellonian University Press has just published a printed version of the publication "Social and Political Forms of Resistance in the Middle East" co-edited by a student of INSPiSM (International Relations) - Kamil Kozak. The book consists of 10 chapters devoted to various manifestations of disobedience in the MENA region by students and doctoral students from many academic centers in Poland and abroad. The publication includes two texts written by our student - "The Phenomenon of Rebellion in the Middle East. Introduction ”and“ Western Sahara as an Arena for a Multi-faceted Regional Conflict ”. The book is also available in an electronic version. We encourage you to read!

More information:

Information about the book at Jagiellonian University Press

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAhtQxcQW00 [in Polish]

Społeczne i polityczne formy oporu na Bliskim Wschodzie
ed. by. Kamil Kozak, Aneta Tyszko

Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków 2021
ISBN: 978-83-233-5080-4
e-ISBN: 978-83-233-7297-4
Pages: 146
Language of publication: Polish


Published Date: 24.02.2022
Published by: Jakub Żurawski