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dr hab. Piotr Borowiec, prof. UJ

Position: professor

A graduate in sociology from the Jagiellonian University, a habilitated doctor of social science in the field of political science. Professor of the Jagiellonian University. The head of the Department of Theory of Politics and State at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, JU. Author and co-author of more than 70 articles on political sociology, political theory and political methodology and two monographs on the interwar publishing house, Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny: Jesteśmy głosem milionów [We Are the Voice of Millions] (2005) and Między sensacją a nauką [Between Sensationalism and Science] (2005), and a monograph Czas polityczny po rewolucji [Political Milieu after the Revolution] (2013), and a co-author of the monograph Struktury organizacyjne polskich partii politycznych [Organizational Structures of Polish Political Parties] (2010), Kim jesteś, politologu? Historia i stan dyscypliny w Polsce, Vol. I (2011) and Vol. II (2012) [Who Are You, Political Scientist? The History and Current State of the Discipline in Poland]. Co-editor of more than 11 joint publications, including: Odmiany współczesnej nauki o polityce, Vol I and II (2014) [The Subfields of Contemporary Political Science], Political Science in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century (2015), Oblicza kampanii wyborczych 2015, [The Faces of 2015 Election Campaigns] (2016), Organizational Structures of Political Parties in Central and Eastern European Countries (2016), Teorie i podejścia badawcze geopolityki [The Theories and Research Methods in Geopolitics] (2020).

Research interests

His research interests focus first of all on two fundamental areas. The first one is the study of the transformations in contemporary Polish politics, with emphasis on the relationship between these changes and the use of time in politics and its reception by the society. The problems regarding the ways and the extent to which the time affects the society, including the political sphere, are of particular interest as well. His interest in contemporary Poland also involves the studies on the structures of Polish political parties, political programmes and political campaigns. The second area comprises selected aspects of the theory of politics, such as: the analysis of fundamental methodological bases of political science and the problem of limitations and cognitive value of political science. This area also includes the issues connected with political bodies, political values and norms, the analysis of political relations and interests, as well as theories of political acts and political decisions. Both areas of interest fall within the scope of broadly-understood political sociology and political science.