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Professor Robert Kłosowicz wins the Best Africanist Academic Publication Award

We are pleased to inform you that our Faculty member Professor Robert Kłosowicz received the award of the Polish Africanist Society for the best Africa-related publication in 2017 in the category of ‘academic publications by authors with habilitation’ for the book entitled “The Contexts of State Dysfunctionality in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow 2017).
Read More o Professor Robert Kłosowicz wins the Best Africanist Academic Publication Award

Dr Tomasz Pugacewicz was awarded a grant within the 13th edition of a National Science Centre funding scheme

We are happy to inform that dr Tomasz Pugacewicz was awarded a grant within the 13th edition of Sonata, a National Science Centre (NCN) funding scheme for young doctors at the beginning of their academic career. The awarded project was titled “Between Centre and Semi-Periphery: A Comparison of Ludwik Ehrlich's Theoretical Concepts with American-British International Relations in the Frist Half of the Twentieth Century”.
Read More o Dr Tomasz Pugacewicz was awarded a grant within the 13th edition of a National Science Centre funding scheme

Politeja, Issue 50 - Global and Regional Security Challenges

We proudly inform you that a special issue of Politeja. The Journal of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University has just been published. It is edited by the Chair of National Security, Associate Professor Artur Gruszczak.
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Article by Adam Kirpsza, PhD, has won the PTNP Competition for the best Polish-language political science article

We are pleased to inform that the article of a member of the JMC EUCRIS team Adam Kirpsza, PhD, entitled: Warunki sukcesu poprawek Parlamentu Europejskiego w zwykłej procedurze ustawodawczej [The conditions for the success of the European Parliament's amendments in the ordinary legislative procedure] won the first edition of the Polish Political Science Association Competition for the best Polish-language political science article.
Read More o Article by Adam Kirpsza, PhD, has won the PTNP Competition for the best Polish-language political science article

Zapytanie ofertowe na zakup i dostawę książek

Ogłaszamy zapytanie ofertowe na zakup i dostawę książek do zajęć w ramach studiów II stopnia „ISAD - International Security and Development” na Wydziale Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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