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Invitation to School of French Law

We cordially invite you to take a part in School of French Law. More information about this project which is addressed to all students of Jagiellonian University you can find,,,
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Inquiry for the purchase and delivery of books for ISAD

We announce an offer inquiry for the purchase and delivery of books for classes within the second-cycle program "ISAD - International Security and Development" at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University.
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Jagiellonian University launches the second edition of MA programme of studies on international security and development

Our goal is to educate specialists understanding the importance of problems of the modern world and seeking solutions for them. We want to educate strategists being able to implement actions that ensure appropriate targeting of aid projects, and thus greater stability in international relations
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Zmarła prof. zw. dr hab. Maria Borucka-Arctowa

Z głębokim żalem zawiadamiamy, że w dniu 23 grudnia 2018 r. zmarła prof. zw. dr hab. Maria Borucka-Arctowa, profesor prawa, były pracownik naukowy Instytutu Nauk Politycznych na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UJ.
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New book by prof. Janusz Węc - Germany's Position on the Reform of the European Union in 2002-2016

We are pleased to announce that the publication of Peter Lang Publishing has published a new monograph by prof. dr hab. Janusz Węca, head of the Chair of Studies on Integration Processes and the Jean Monnet Chair at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University.
Read More o New book by prof. Janusz Węc - Germany's Position on the Reform of the European Union in 2002-2016