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Organization of the work of the offices and library of IPSIR

We would like to kindly inform you that on September 17, 2020, an important document (JU Chancellor Annoucement No. 22) was released - - Komunikat nr 22 Kanclerza Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w sprawie organizacji pracy na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w związku z przeciwdziałaniem rozprzestrzenianiu się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 wśród społeczności akademickiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

This Announcement mainly regulates the rules of administrative work and does not apply to teaching and research. Therefore, in the near future, the functioning of the secretary offices and the IPSIR library will be adjusted to the regulations contained in the Announcement.

Accordingly, we kindly ask you, if possible, to read the guidelines contained in the document and to comply with these regulations. Or please, phone or mail the appropriate office (ISAD, IRAS) for more detailed information.

Published Date: 21.09.2020
Published by: Jakub Żurawski