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The new book by prof. Andrzeja Mania published

We are pleased to announce that the Jagiellonian University Press published the latest monograph of professor Andrzej Mania entitled Department of State i Foreign Service w polityce zagranicznej USA lat gorącej i zimnej wojny 1939-1989 [Department of State and Foreign Service in American Foreign Policy of the Hot and Cold War: 1939-1989].

The book describes the period of great confrontation between 1939 and 1989, when the United States became a superpower and became increasingly active in foreign policy. The main object of their interest was the Soviet Union - an important ally during World War II, and later the biggest rival in the fight for global domination. The idea of containing communism was the determinant of the United States' policy, because it perceived the USSR as a threat to its aspirations and mission.

The monograph answers key questions about the foreign policy of the United States in the context of the need of making decisions on the crucial international challenges between 1939 and 1989. At the same time, the main characters of the book are Secretaries of State and the diplomats from the Department of State. The author analyzed their role in shaping of US foreign policy, stressing the importance of their activity in preparation of key analyses and plans and conducting sensitive negotiations.

Published Date: 11.03.2020
Published by: Michał Dulak