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Inauguration of the new academic year at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations

On October 8, a solemn inauguration of the academic year at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University took place. The ceremony was opened by the Head of IPSIR, Prof. dr hab. Robert Kłosowicz, who welcomed the dean's authorities, a group of professors, all employees and numerous students of the Institute.

Then the Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies Dr hab. Andrzej Porębski, prof. UJ, who also welcomed the gathered participants of the ceremony and wished them all the best luck and scientific and didactic successes, on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year.

In the next part, led by dr. Paweł Ścigaj - deputy head for teaching at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, matriculation of first year students of the first and second degree studies at IPSIR was held.

Then, the vice-chairman of the Faculty Council of Students' Self-Government of the University of Warsaw, Ms. Agata Kempa presented the activities of student self-government as well as scientific associations. She invited students to join the activities.

The last part of the ceremony was the inaugural lecture entitled "Debates about the sources of the rise and end of the Cold War" by Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mania.


Gaudeamus igitur!

Data publikacji: 11.10.2019
Osoba publikująca: Jakub Żurawski