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Between knowledge and power - a new book edited by faculty members of the National Security Department

We are pleased to announce that a collective work Between Knowledge and Power: Security in the Information Age has been published by the Księgarnia Akademicka publishing house. The book is edited by the head of the Department of National Security Professor Artur Gruszczak and Doctor Piotr Bajor, Assistant Professor at the Department. Published in the Societas series edited by Professor Bogdan Szlachta, the book explores broad aspects of contemporary security understood as a space stretching between two planes: knowledge (information) and power (governance). From this perspective, the authors of 18 chapters included in the book propose a rich, diverse, though not free from paradoxes and contradictions, picture of facts and developments involving various actors, using divergent methods and tools to strengthen their security in the face of uncertainty of the modern world. This complex image reflects the content, forms, processes and structures of contemporary national and international security in the face of the expansion of the infosphere and the use of information as a tool of confrontation and struggle.

Between knowledge and power. Security in the information age is the outcome of the 2nd Jagiellonian Security Conference organized by the National Security Department in 2017.
The book is available on the website of Księgarnia Akademicka.

Między wiedzą a władzą. Bezpieczeństwo w erze informacji
eds. Piotr Bajor , Artur Gruszczak
Publishing house: Księgarnia Akademicka
Kraków 2019
ISBN/ISSN: 9788381380003
Language: polski
Pages: 336






Published Date: 05.10.2019
Published by: Michał Dulak