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New publication by dr. hab. prof. UJ Robert Kłosowicz and dr. Joanna Mormul - Eritrea and its influence on the political situation in the Horn of Africa

We are pleased to announce that a new book by dr. hab. prof. UJ Robert Kłosowicz and dr. Joanna Mormul entitled Eritrea and its influence on the political situation in the Horn of Africa [Erytrea i jej wpływ na sytuację polityczną w Rogu Afryki] has been recently published by the Jagiellonian University Press.

The monograph is the result of the research project “Eritrea and its destabilizing impact on the political situation in the Horn of Africa” realized thanks to the OPUS grant financed by the National Science Center (No. 2012/07/B/HS5/03948) over the years 2013-2017.

The Horn of Africa has been attracting attention of analysts and international observers for many years. It has become the subject of interest not only because of the role it plays in contemporary international relations (location near important communication routes, proximity of the Arabian Peninsula with its vast deposits of energy resources), but also in reaction to intraregional processes destabilizing relations between states located within it and generating numerous conflicts of both internal and international character.

The starting point for considerations undertaken in this monograph is one of the youngest states of the Horn of Africa region, Eritrea, whose fate reflects as in a lens the main problems experienced by the African states (long-term struggle for independence, authoritarianism as a means of building a cohesive state and society, conflictual relations with neighbors, post-Cold War threats to the security and difficult relations with great powers). However, the authors go further than presenting just the Eritrean case - the publication analyzes in a very broad and comprehensive way main challenges and threats to the stability of the Horn of Africa resulting from the historically shaped interdependencies present in the relations of individual regional actors united by the community of fate within the regional security system.

- from the review of dr. hab. Wieslaw Lizak

Eritrea and its influence on the political situation in the Horn of Africa
R. Kłosowicz, J. Mormul
Jagiellonian University Press
Krakow 2018
ISBN: 978-83-233-4379-0
Language: Polish Pages: 280

Published Date: 15.11.2018
Published by: Jakub Żurawski