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Honorable Mention of the PhD Dissertation of the Institute’s graduate dr. Wojciech Łysek

We are pleased to announce that in its second edition the Nationwide Professor Waldemar Michowicz Best PhD Dissertation on Political Science Award went to the graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University dr. Wojciech Łysek for the PhD thesis entitled - Zagadnienie narodowości w polityce wschodniej piłsudczyków: uwarunkowania – ewolucja – spadkobiercy [Issue of nationality in eastern policy of the Pilsudski movement’s: conditions – evolution – heirs], defended in the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University in October 2017 (PhD Thesis supervisor: prof. Grzegorz Mazur).

This is the second distinction of the mentioned dissertation. In June 2018 dr. Wojciech Łysek was honored with the third degree international Juliusz Bardach Award for the researchers of the history and heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, awarded by the Institute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Kaunas.

Published Date: 04.11.2018
Published by: Jakub Żurawski