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Warm welcome to ISAD students at the Jagiellonian University

The official inauguration of the International Security and Development (ISAD) programme took place in Collegium Maius on 11 October 2018.ISAD is an international MA programme held at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations (IPS&IR) since the academic year 2018/2019, thanks to the financial support from the European Union (Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development).

The Ceremony was opened by Marcin Grabowski, PhD, Director of the MA in ISAD Programme. He welcomed Professor Stanisław Kistryn, PhD, Vice-Rector for Research and Structural Funds of the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Andrzej Mania, PhD, Chairman of the ISAD Programme Board, Professor Paweł Laidler, PhD, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies for Educational Affairs, Professor Robert Kłosowicz, PhD, Director of the Institute of Political Science and International Relations,ISADlecturers and numerous students of the programme.

Afterwards, short speeches were delivered by the Vice-Rector, the Chairman of ISAD Council and the Vice-Dean authorities. They welcomed ISAD students at the Jagiellonian University, wishing them successes and joy from the time spent at the oldest university in Poland.

The official part of the ceremony was concluded by inaugural lecture entitledThe Influence of Special Operations on International Relations delivered by Colonel Piotr Gąstał, former commander of the Special Military Unit GROM.The topic of the lecture fitted in with the overall focus of the ISAD programme, emphasizing links between military security and development. After the lecture, a question-and-answer session took place.

The secondpart of the inauguration was of informative and integrating character. Firstly, a short presentation was given by a representative of the JU’s Association of International and Area Studies (AIAS) who invited ISAD students to cooperate and engage in common projects. The meeting concluded with a Q&A session conducted by Marcin Grabowski, PhD.

International Security and Development is an international MA programme aimed at educating specialists in the field of global security and developmental cooperation. It responds to the need of in-depth reflection on complexity of interrelation between security and development. This programme proved attractive, as evidenced by over 100 applications from candidates of more than 30 countries. Among them, 46 has started their studies at the Jagiellonian University.


fot. Samuel Marcourt & Anna Wojnar
Data publikacji: 19.10.2018
Osoba publikująca: Michał Dulak