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Politeja no 54 - Traktat lizbonski. Dobre rozwiązanie w czasach kryzysów?

We proudly announce that a special issue of Politeja. The Journal of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University has just been published. It is edited by Professor Janusz J. Węca and Agnieszka Nitszke Ph.D.

The articles relate to the evaluation of the provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon and the method of their implementation, inter alia in the field of decision-making, civil rights and freedoms, CFSP, CSDP, FSDP and also in EU sectoral policies. The texts also attempt to assess the adequacy of the treaty provisions in the face of the following crises in the EU: migration, economic and institutional-democratic.

The publication refers to the analyzes and results of the research presented during the conference "The Treaty of Lisbon. A good solution in times of crisis?", which was held at the Jagiellonian University on 13-14 December 2017 on the tenth anniversary of the treaty. The conference was organized by the Chair of Studies on Integration Processes under the Jean Monnet Chair EUCRIS project.

We wish you a pleasant reading and many new inspirations. The issue is available here.

Published Date: 13.10.2018
Published by: Michał Dulak