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Next Analyses and Commentaries of the Department of National Security

We are pleased to inform you that new analyses and commentaries have been published last month by the faculty and PhD students of the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University.
New publications in Polish included:
  • Jan Niemiec, The Operation “Olive Branch” – the Turkish perspective” (Analiza ZBN nr 3 (22) / 2018);
  • Magdalena Kania, Big challenges for Germany’s grand coalition (Analiza ZBN nr 4 (23) / 2018);
  • Paweł Frankowski, New U.S. national security and defense concepts (Analiza ZBN nr 5 (24) / 2018);
  • Piotr Bajor, A tactical thaw on the Korean Peninsula (Komentarz ZBN nr 5 (29) / 2018);
  • Arkadiusz Nyzio, Is the end of the municipal guard coming? (Komentarz ZBN nr 6 (30)/2018).
A commentary in English was published:
  • Marek Czajkowski, Russian Influence in Syria is Poised to Diminish (ZBN Commentary No 4 (28) / 2018);
We kindly invite you to visit the website of the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University and read the publications.
Photo credit: Piotr Bajor
Published Date: 07.03.2018
Published by: Michał Dulak