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Artykuł dr. Adama Kirpszy w International Political Science Review

Z radością informujemy, że w czasopiśmie "International Political Science Review" ukazał się artykuł dr. Adama Kirpszy, pt. Time is of the essence: Explaining the duration of European Union lawmaking under the co-decision procedure. Artykuł analizuje czynniki wpływające na szybkość uchwalania aktów ustawodawczych w Unii Europejskiej w procedurze współdecydowania (obecnie zwykła procedura ustawodawcza). „International Political Science Review” jest czasopismem wydawanym przez IPSA (International Political Science Association) i indeksowanym w bazach SCOPUS i Web of Science. Posiada impact factor (IF) wynoszący 2.049 (dla 2020 r.) i znajduje się w pierwszym kwartylu (Q1) najlepszych czasopism politologicznych na świecie (według SCOPUS).

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The article explores factors affecting the duration of the co-decision procedure (currently the ordinary legislative procedure), the main procedure for adopting legislation in the European Union. Drawing from rational choice institutionalism, it expects the speed of co-decision to be determined by three attributes: the impatience of legislators, issue linkage and the characteristics of Council and European Parliament negotiators (relais actors). The hypotheses are tested using survival analysis on a dataset of 599 controversial legislative acts submitted and enacted under co-decision between 1999 and 2009. The results show that co-decision proposals are decided faster when they are urgent, negotiated prior to the European Parliament elections and concluded through single proposal logrolls. By contrast, multi-proposal packages and the ideological distance between relais actors prolong decision-making. Overall, the article contributes to the literature by showing that the impatience of legislators, package deals and the properties of negotiators are relevant drivers of co-decision duration.

Data opublikowania: 16.10.2021
Osoba publikująca: Michał Dulak